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Friday, April 25, 2014

Complicating matters further is the trouble of what to do with the remains of a person once they are deceased.  This is a difficult decision and should be decided before it becomes an issue.
Part of the advance directive plan should be the decision as to whether or not you want your organs and tissues donated.
Making a donation of human tissue or organs can be a life saving  choice but as is clear from a simple search there are more cases than would be expected of organs being taken or attempted to be taken via unusual or unorthodox circumstances.

An example of how this relates to the Health-Care Decision Act is a case where a French man suffered a heart attack, was on the operating table awaiting organ surgeons to arrive to remove vital organs for donation, available doctors massaged the heart to keep it functioning.  A procedure where the doctor uses their own hands to pump the heart in time to keep blood circulating.
The doctors had decided that the man would not be revived and that he would likely be brain dead due to poor blood flow to the brain and low oxygen.
He had no advance directive or plan in place.  No one was available or asked to make the decision to take his organs because he had long ago signed off as a donor on a government form.  So they rushed to keep him alive only to be able to harvest usable organs.
He woke in tremendous pain while doctors massaged his heart with their hands.
Not only did he survive the ordeal, he is still alive today.
The article below is an overview of the case.

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